Legal notice

These pages were created by

Ruth Stubenitzky
Lange-Geismar-Straße 13
37073 Goettingen,
ruth@stubenitnur für

Phone (mobile) +49 151 21766586, (landline) +49 551 43468

The rights to all images and texts created by the author are reserved to her. The author assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, topicality, quality and completeness of the contents provided on her pages.
The contents of sites referred to by external links is not controlled by the author. Neither is she able to check those sites for changes at regular intervals. Should you discover dubious contents on sites referred to, please notify the author so she can delete the reference if necessary.
The author has tried to design the site as barrier-free as possible, without such means as active elements, the use of JavaScript or frames. The pages have been optimized for Mozilla Firefox under Linux and reviewed with Opera, Vivaldi and Chromium as well as the text browser Elinks. Some basic testing on mobile devices has also taken place. The author is usually thankful for suggested improvements and constructive criticism but does not guarantee their implementation.

Privacy policy

Handling of data on this website:

This website saves the data that are automatically provided by your browser, which are date and time of access, IP-address, browser and operating system, language, previous website. AWStats evaluates the data automatically. I might examine them at irregular intervals. They are not knowingly transmitted to third parties. The statistics do not separate data by IP-addresses. They can only be partially personalized with the participation of the provider and under special legal conditions.
No other data, especially no personal data, are retrieved, and no cookies are offered.

Handling of data in my business practice:

I keep all translated texts (original and translation) for an unlimited time, as well as the contact data and correspondence.
These data are not passed on to third parties except if the person concerned expressly agreed or if they are demanded by the prosecution, the police or the court. Even they will not receive data covered by professional secrecy (e. g. pastoral counselling protocols).
At least once a year I delete all my professional e-mails from the server, storing an offline copy only.

I do not take responsibility for malicious appropriation of data stored safely as far as my knowledge goes. Please note that such online platforms as Facebook, LinkedIn and Xing referred under the tab how to find me are unsafe.

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